Bukas Finance Corp. is a duly registered Financing Company with SEC registration No. CS201901691 and Certificate of Authority No. 1199.

Please remember to study the Terms and Conditions in the Disclosure Statement before proceeding with any loan transaction.

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Help Center  >  Confirm your agreement, and get PHP 100 OFF your 1st monthly payment!

Confirm your agreement, and get PHP 100 OFF your 1st monthly payment!

To qualify for PHP 100 OFF on your first repayment, you need to:

  • Confirm your participation via Call / SMS / FB Messenger, and follow the instructions on the text you've received.
  • Activate your agreement by the provided deadline. Make sure to read the terms & conditions as well as the disclosure statement before you confirm.
  • Note that this cannot be used in conjunction to other offers.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Paano ko malalaman kung kasama ako sa makakakuha ng PHP 100 OFF sa first repayment?
    • You will receive an SMS from us that you are qualified to receive the PHP 100 OFF on your first repayment.
  • Paano makukuha ang PHP 100 OFF?
    • Ang PHP 100 OFF ay automatically mababawas sa 1st monthly payment niyo.
  • Where can I reach out for assistance?
    • We understand that this is urgent. You can always email us at [email protected]. Use the subject “Nov PHP 100 OFF - [School Name]” so we can assist you ASAP.

What are you waiting for? Log on now to confirm your agreement!

Please remember to study the terms and conditions as well as the Disclosure Statement provided before proceeding with any loan transactions. Note that all loan offers are conditional. As long as a loan has not yet been disbursed to the school, Bukas Finance Corp. reserves the right to withdraw any loan agreement.

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