Bukas Finance Corp. is a duly registered Financing Company with SEC registration No. CS201901691 and Certificate of Authority No. 1199.

Please remember to study the Terms and Conditions in the Disclosure Statement before proceeding with any loan transaction.

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Help Center  >  How can I improve my chances of approval?

How can I improve my chances of approval?

For new applicants, as long as you complete all the requirements without any errors, you could expect a faster application process. In case you have items for revision, make sure that you follow the instructions and that you complete your revisions immediately. As much as possible, the tuition balance on the student’s school assessment form or statement of account should match the amount requested. You may also request an amount that is lower than the tuition balance stated on the school assessment form.

Additional documents may be asked and it would be best to comply with these requirements as soon as possible!

Note that all loan offers are conditional. As long as a loan has not yet been disbursed to the school, Bukas Finance Corp. reserves the right to withdraw any loan agreement.

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If you are applying for another tuition installment plan while you still have an ongoing plan, you will need to read this page.