Bukas Finance Corp. is a duly registered Financing Company with SEC registration No. CS201901691 and Certificate of Authority No. 1199.

Please remember to study the Terms and Conditions in the Disclosure Statement before proceeding with any loan transaction.

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Help Center  >  What can I do if I have issues with my Additional Contact Person link?

What can I do if I have issues with my Additional Contact Person link?

Borrowers will not be able to proceed with the loan application without feedback from their Additional Contact Person. Upon submission of the application, the Additional Contact Person will receive an SMS with a link to verify their identity, accept the privacy policy and upload their valid ID.

Note that links expire, so kindly accomplish this ASAP.

The link sent to my Additional Contact Person has expired. What do I do?

If the consent link has expired, kindly let us know by answering our Contact Us page. Please select your concern type on the dropdown list. As for the "How can we help you?" field, kindly indicate that you wish to have the Additional Contact Person consent link re-sent.

My Additional Contact Person has changed their mobile number. How will they receive the new link?

If your listed Additional Contact Person changed their mobile number, kindly notify us by answering our Contact Us page. Please select your concern type in the dropdown list and on the "How can we help you?" field type in REQUEST TO CHANGE ADDITIONAL CONTACT PERSON’S MOBILE NUMBER and send the following information:

  • Your Additional Contact Person’s Full name
  • Reason for the Request
  • Old mobile number
  • New mobile number

Once the mobile number has been updated, you will be notified via email. Your Additional Contact Person will also immediately receive the consent link after their Bukas registered mobile number has been updated.

Note: Successful update of your Additional Contact Person's mobile number will depend on the current status of your Bukas application. Kindly make sure the details on your application are correct and consistent.

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