Bukas Finance Corp. is a duly registered Financing Company with SEC registration No. CS201901691 and Certificate of Authority No. 1199.

Please remember to study the Terms and Conditions in the Disclosure Statement before proceeding with any loan transaction.

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Help Center  >  What do I do if I cannot provide a Co-borrower?

What do I do if I cannot provide a Co-borrower?

Just as the borrower needs to be at least 18 years old and should be a Filipino citizen - a co-borrower is a strict requirement to be eligible to apply for a Bukas tuition installment plan.

A co-borrower needs to reside in the Philippines. Unless requested upon processing, a co-borrower is not required to provide a proof of income as long as the borrower submits a proof of income.

If you receive funds from an OFW, visit the link below for a guide on how to input your information correctly.

To know more about the co-borrower, please visit this link.

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