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Help Center  >  Worried about your tuition fee? Bukas is here for you!

Worried about your tuition fee? Bukas is here for you!

Re-apply for another Bukas Flex plan to pay for your previous tuition balance and/or current semester's balance!

Get a PHP 500 e-voucher if your new application gets approved!

Multiple Installment Plans (MIP)

  • Eligible students with existing Bukas Installment Plans may apply again, and maintain Multiple Installment Plans (MIP) with Bukas for additional tuition coverage.

How to Re-apply

  • Once you are eligible to re-apply, the application buttons "College Installment" or "Short Course Installment" should be clickable for you. You may log in to your Bukas account to check this.
  • To submit a new application, please click any of these buttons depending on your school.

You may check these articles to learn more about the application process and the reapplication eligibility requirements:

To learn more about Multiple Installment Plans (MIP), you may also check this link: https://bukas.ph/help-center/category/multiple-installment-plans/

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I avail of the PHP 500 e-voucher?

  • Submit your application from March 7-15, 2024 (11:59 PM)
  • You should have received an SMS informing you about your eligibility in this campaign.
  • Applicants with previously rejected applications may receive a PHP 500 e-voucher as an inconvenience fee EXCEPT for those who were rejected for the following reasons:
    • The applicant’s phone number is uncontactable.
    • The applicant was not able to complete required documents.
    • The applicant was not able to provide a co-borrower when asked to.
    • The applicant’s co-borrower or additional contact person is uncontactable and did not complete the verification.
    • The applicant created a duplicate account or started a new application using another mobile number.
    • The applicant has an unpaid outstanding balance.
    • The applicant has already graduated from their school

When will I receive my PHP 500 e-voucher?

  • If you're eligible to receive the PHP 500 e-voucher, you will be notified via SMS. The PHP 500 e-voucher will be distributed after the promo period.

Will my requested amount be automatically approved?

  • Note that your application will still be reviewed and processed by our Assessment Team. Your application and requested amount are still subject for approval.

Where can I follow-up my application?

  • We understand that this is urgent. You can always email us at [email protected] . Use the subject “MAR INC FEE – [SCHOOL]” so we can assist you ASAP.

What are you waiting for? Learn more about How to Apply for our Bukas Flex Plans here.

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