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Help Center  >  Get PHP 300 Starbucks GC when you avail of a Bukas Tuition Installment Plan!

Get PHP 300 Starbucks GC when you avail of a Bukas Tuition Installment Plan!

Enroll with a Bukas Tuition Installment Plan to get up to 100% tuition coverage payable in 12 months or less. PLUS a chance to enjoy a PHP 300 Starbucks GC when you apply for a minimum amount of PHP 40,000 on your Bukas loan.

To qualify, you must be ONE of the first TWENTY (20) students to:

  1. Fill out the promo sign up sheet here .
  2. Apply for and submit your Bukas Tuition Installment Plan application until November 10 (3:59PM).
  3. The Bukas team will review and confirm if your tuition plan is approved. Please make sure your documents are clear and complete for faster processing!
  4. Activate your approved Bukas Tuition Installment Plan on or before November 13 (12:00 NN) in order to qualify for the promo.

Note: The minimum tuition amount requested should be worth at least PHP 40,000. This promo is open only to MAPUA students.

Jan 2023 Gamification PROMO 2

Bukas is a third-party tuition financing partner dedicated to providing affordable and flexible tuition installment plans to college and graduate students.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What will happen if I was not able to fill out and submit the sign up sheet?

  • You will not be qualified for this promo if you weren't able to accomplish the sign up sheet here.

Is there a minimum amount needed to be eligible for the promo?

  • Yes. The minimum tuition amount requested should be worth at least PHP 40,000.

How will I know if I am qualified to receive a PHP 300 Starbucks GC?

  • You will receive an SMS and email from us that you are qualified to receive a PHP 300 Starbucks GC.

This is my first time applying for an installment plan. Am I eligible for this promo?

  • Yes. This promo is also applicable for first time applications as long as you meet the requirements.

I already have an existing installment plan. Can I re-apply for another installment plan with this promo?

  • Yes! As long as you are eligible to reapply for Multiple Installment Plan (MIP).
    Log in to your account at app.bukas.ph, and check if you have at least a Good or Very Good rating on your reapplication meter. To learn more about your how to apply for an MIP, visit here.

Where can I follow up my application?

  • We understand that this is urgent. You can always email us at [email protected] . Use the subject “PHP 300 Starbucks GC – [SCHOOL]” so we can assist you ASAP.

Does this mean I will be automatically approved for this amount?

  • No. Note that your application will still be reviewed and processed by our Assessment Team. Your application and requested amount are still subject for approval.

What are you waiting for? Learn more about How to Apply for our Bukas Installment Plans here.

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