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Help Center  >  Are you enrolled or have you paid your downpayment to PHINMA? Don't worry! You can still apply for a Bukas All-in Plan!

Are you enrolled or have you paid your downpayment to PHINMA? Don't worry! You can still apply for a Bukas All-in Plan!

As a freshie, you can APPLY among the following choices:

  • For a short-term plan, Freshmen can choose the 5-month installment plan with 0% interest and a one-time 5% service fee.
  • For lower monthly payment dues, you can choose the standard 12-month installment plan with 1.85% interest and a one-time 4.5% service fee.

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As the Borrower, aside from your personal information, you will need to prepare:

For your Co-borrower, aside from the personal and employment information, he/she may need to prepare:

To know more about the available plans for you, you may check the following:

Note: This article is only for the following PHINMA campuses: Republican College, St. Jude College, University of Pangasinan, and UPang College of Urdaneta