Bukas Finance Corp. is a duly registered Financing Company with SEC registration No. CS201901691 and Certificate of Authority No. 1199.
Please remember to study the Terms and Conditions in the Disclosure Statement before proceeding with any loan transaction.
Funding the future for Filipino students who own it
#LakingNational ka ba? With Bukas, you can now pursue college in NBS College too!
There is no shame in creating your own path. #SayoAngBukas
Congratulations on your graduation. Here's what's next!
Paying off your student loans doesn't have to take forever.
Pun aside, these tips will surely help you enroll at T.I.P. this upcoming enrollment.
There are a lot of things to look forward to when you study at SLU. Here's another one.
Studying at UdD is now more affordable for every UdDian. Here's why.
Are student loans really just a debt trap?
Students loans aren't as scary as you think.